
2359 Responsibility.... mental transmission of the word of God....

August 7, 1942: Book 32

And that is why man is also responsible for how he lives his life, because he is given knowledge of His will through the word of God. For God also speaks to people in other ways than just through direct communication.... He directs the thoughts of each individual so that they can recognize God if only they are willing. He has created countless marvellous works around the human being, all of which bear witness to His creator, thus repeatedly directing the human being's thoughts towards Him. These thoughts can be rejected or dropped. Once they arise, the human being is not forced to dwell on them, thus even now the realization of the eternal deity depends on the human being's will to affirm Them, for the willing human being continues to spin out such emerging thoughts and thereby gives the beings of light caring for him the opportunity to influence him, i.e. they direct his thoughts towards the right realization and stimulate him to ever new mental activity. Therefore, a person can be far closer to the truth without any external influence, without the transmission of the divine word by fellow human beings, and has, so to speak, acquired it through his own thinking because he has not resisted the activity of the beings of light who have mentally instructed him. Thus every work of creation, every event and experience around the human being is suited to lead him towards the realization of the eternal deity, for God Himself speaks to people through all of this in order to then confirm it through the directly spoken word which He sends to people, so that the human being can repeatedly obtain confirmation from the latter that his thoughts correspond to the truth. Then he will not deviate from the truth as long as he surrenders to God's working through the beings of light without resistance. As soon as he feels an inner resistance and gives in to this feeling, thus unwillingly faces what is offered to him, he has already fallen prey to the opposing power which instils this will in him, thus wants to turn him away from God and the recognition of Him.... As soon as the thought of a supreme and most perfect being, to Whom the human being has to answer for his way of life, is annoying or unpleasant to him, the adversary of God already has an effect on the human being. And then the beings of light increasingly come into action insofar as that they now send the word of God to the person in danger through the human mouth. He is now warned and admonished, and that which does not want to agree with him mentally is urgently presented to him, but the decision is left up to him, for he has to live his earthly life in fullest freedom of will, otherwise it cannot earn him the final spiritual freedom. But God offers the being all possibilities, all favours and means of help which it only needs to make use of as long as it lives on earth in the embodiment as a human being....


Translated by Doris Boekers