2242 Last judgement....

February 23, 1942: Book 31

The demon of hatred and unkindness is poisoning the world, and this means the beginning of spiritual collapse, spiritual decay.... it means the downfall both spiritually and earthly. What has completely become unkindness must be considered lost for eternity, i.e. it cannot acquire eternal life on earth, but death, i.e. complete lifelessness, is its fate for eternal times. Consequently, earth has become unnecessary as a station of redemption for this spiritual substance since it has not utilized any opportunity, and therefore the spiritual substance's time on earth has come to an end.... an epoch of redemption comes to an end, as it is proclaimed in word and writing. A time of development lasting thousands of years ends with a judgement, with a separation of the redeemed and the unredeemed.... of the spiritual that is turned towards God and the spiritual that is completely distant from God. God judges His creatures, i.e., He finally separates His own from the followers of Satan, He gives the former a free life in bliss and binds the opponents once again in the form, in matter, which they desired and forgot God about, thus completely alienating themselves from Him. These are the living and the dead.... who will now be judged, who will receive their reward and punishment from God according to His words, for God is just and He distributes according to merit. Those will live who have recognized God, who love Him and fulfil His will; but those will be condemned to eternal death who did not acknowledge Him and turned to His adversary and whose life was nothing but lovelessness. God certainly has infinite patience with His creatures and He still postpones the day; yet His patience is not valued by humanity, for those who do not acknowledge God also lack all faith in God's judgement and every reference to it is unsuccessful. And so it will come unexpectedly for those people who have no faith and cause greatest terror, but bring salvation to the believers in greatest distress, for they are in utmost distress for the sake of their faith. And now the separation has to take place because there is no longer any possibility of improvement for the unbelievers who live in utter lack of love, for all previous trials, suffering and earthly hardship are unsuccessful and satan's power over these people is immense, for they surrender to him and seek the lives of the believers. This is the time of complete decline that precedes the last judgement, which signifies the end of the present earth and the beginning of a new era that is spiritually extraordinarily significant because God will banish evil once again for an unthinkably long time....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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