2428 The right faith can do a lot....
July 31, 1942: Book 33
True faith is capable of much. All thoughts must be focussed on the fact that divine love leaves nothing unfulfilled that a believing person asks for because God is omnipotent, and once a person has adopted this strong faith he completely surrenders to the divine will and now his will no longer deviates from God's will.... And God can now accomplish everything through this person. The human being will now also want nothing other than what God wants, and therefore his strength is now also divine, i.e. he is permeated by God's will and therefore also by His strength at the same time, and everything is possible for him. True faith knows no doubts, it acts as its heart dictates. Consequently, he cannot want and carry out something that contradicts God's will, because the spirit within him would never ever tell him to do something that runs counter to divine will. The human being is in no way compelled to act and think, for if he is unbelieving his thoughts move in completely different areas and he will never think of God and therefore also not want to accomplish things that go beyond natural strength. But if he is a believer, his thoughts will be inspired and then they will also correspond to God's will. And thus the divine will itself drives the human being to carry out what enters his thoughts. But God needs people with such strong faith that He can work through them. They should surrender to God's emanation of strength without hesitation and now willingly allow themselves to be used as His instruments, they should sacrifice their thoughts and senses to Him and now surrender to their innermost thoughts what they demand of Him. For this is the voice of God, which calls such a believing and willing servant to do what is to bring spiritual salvation to the world. And the believing human being will fulfil God's will without hesitation because he perceives it as divine. And thus he will be able to accomplish things which are beyond the realm of possibility, for he is not the performer but God Himself through him....
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