2241 Overcoming resistance.... power supply - good or evil....
February 22, 1942: Book 31
All success is based on overcoming resistance, and so the soul can only develop upwards if it masters the resistance placed in its way by the opposing power. Without resistance there is no development of strength and therefore no further development. For the latter is synonymous with increased strength, i.e. an increase in that which is the original substance of all spirituality. The spiritual can only mature in itself through union with the same spiritual, therefore strength must be increased through the influx of strength. But the latter must be requested, i.e., through the will to resist the being must keep itself ready to receive this influx, which is never denied to it. Readiness to receive is also the believing prayer, which man sends up to God full of trust, because then he opens his heart to every supply of favour, which always means supply of power for him. Prayer is the most successful resistance insofar as that man requests strength from God for his battles, that he so to speak lets Him defeat the resistance and nevertheless matures his soul through exactly this supply of favour. Man acquires this through his will, which strives towards God and is accepted by God's love, thus the prayer is answered. The human being need by no means fear that his request will not be granted if he presents his need to Him in complete faith, if he admits his lack of strength to Him and asks for an increase.... if he is willing to resist and only feels too weak to do so.... Then God will surely grant him His assistance, He will take care of his weakness and the soul will not fail to succeed. However, a person will never be able to overcome the obstacles given to him by his own strength. But he can certainly also be supported by the opposing side, but then the will for God will never dominate men, but the will for counter power will be clearly recognizable by the worldly attitude of him, to whom now also nothing seems to be insurmountable. God's adversary equips him with strength because he is in bondage to him, and therefore that human being who is apostate from God and obviously turned towards the adversary is often able to achieve great things or overcome the greatest resistance.... for his strength is likewise increased, yet not for the soul's progress but for the increase of that which is beneficial for the body, which always signifies a spiritual regression. He may have apparent success, i.e. material success, but spiritually he will become increasingly less powerful, for he turns away from the original source of strength and therefore cannot be flooded by Him either. Without a supply of strength from God, however, there is no progress but only a spiritual decline, i.e. an ever-increasing distance from God....
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