2082 Spiritual freedom....
September 21, 1941: Book 30
Every communication from the spiritual kingdom is meaningful and must therefore be recognized as soon as the plea for enlightenment to God has preceded it. For God answers, albeit in the most diverse ways. He considers His own according to their feelings, He also allows them to gain insight into the spiritual kingdom if this is beneficial for the salvation of their soul. His spirit works wherever He finds a receptive creature, and the inevitable consequence of this must be spiritual brightness in the human being. But once the light shines in a person there is no relapse into darkness, for the light is so bright that it breaks through all spiritual darkness and the darkness must give way. The eternal truth shall be spread everywhere among people; it shall also find entrance where people have blocked its access. The ray of light is to penetrate everywhere, the pure gospel is to be carried everywhere. And this is the task of people who are honoured by God to receive the truth directly or indirectly. Where human will sets limits, God will tear down the barriers, God will once again make use of human will to remove a deficiency, the effect of which is spiritual darkness. The resistance is often very great, for the darkness of the spirit has the effect that the striving for the light is prevented. But the spiritual forces exert all their influence against it and seek out people on earth to co-operate. And where the connection is established in all intimacy with the spiritual-lightful world, there are also the highest spiritual successes to be recorded. They will be refreshed with the living water and what is offered to them they may pass on so that the field will also be made fertile where there is still drought and barrenness. Often violent upheavals must take place and people's thinking must be directed differently than before. Above all, every person should retain spiritual freedom, i.e. be able to accept and reject what he wants, what his inner voice tells him to do. To this end, however, he must also be given the opportunity to create where he wants. Spiritual compulsion means regression, and those who force people into it are bound by the adversary, whose intentions and endeavours are to undermine the truth. "Seek, and ye shall find...." says the lord.... so people must not be forbidden to seek. Truth comes from God to the sincere seeker, for God blesses everyone who desires the truth. And thus He will first break the chains where spiritual freedom has been curtailed, He will restore many people to the life in which He originally placed them, He will impose duties on them where they can develop their strength and thereby make it possible for them to serve in love.... a service that differs completely from what they have previously understood by service. For true divine service consists of active love of neighbour.... This service to God also brings spiritual enlightenment to people, i.e. knowledge and strength from God. And so man can always consider himself to be in the right place where he can somehow give something to his neighbour, whether earthly or spiritual good. This alone is the right divine service, for he then serves in love when he is active in a redeeming sense.... when he seeks to remedy physical or spiritual hardship, for then he is active in a redeeming way. He constantly gives love and thereby awakens counter-love again.... and love alone only redeems on earth and in the hereafter. God wants to see deeds, not just words; man must be given the opportunity to be lovingly active when and where he wants.... he must not be restricted in his spiritual freedom, only then does he fulfil his earthly task according to divine will and he uses the power from God, which constantly flows to him, in the right way....
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