
2214 father's words.... Compelling necessity....

January 17, 1942: Book 31

Let it be My concern as to how I convey the truth to people, for you truly do not have the ability to judge My reign and activity.... You cannot appreciate the compelling need to express Myself in a way that is extraordinary. Nor do you know the depth of My love which prompts Me to help you in the spiritual adversity in which you humans languish. Everywhere I open the source of wisdom and I reveal Myself to people. I approach everyone who has Me as the goal of his endeavours. I am always ready to introduce him to the truth, but I make one thing a condition.... deepest humility and recognition of one's own weakness.... Thus the admission of his state of being far from God is, as it were, the prerequisite that the human being seeks to remedy his distance from God and that, since he feels himself too weak, he sincerely asks for grace.... Whoever therefore deeply and humbly begs Me for grace, I will come to meet him and give him My grace. I give him what he lacks, I enlighten his spirit so that he may recognize Me and thus learn to love Me.... And as soon as he loves Me, I shower him with My grace, with My love, and I make him knowledgeable in the most diverse ways. But who of you humans would want to dictate to Me in what way I should make you happy?.... Those who believe themselves to be in the truth must not contradict each other, for I share the same truth everywhere.... There must also be no spiritual ambiguity, for where I offer the truth there will also be understanding for it and there will be light in people.... If I now express Myself, a light will be kindled which has luminosity.... thus the truth will be offered which is comprehensible to everyone and therefore the light shines far and wide.... But I never offer the truth in a form which is only comprehensible to a few, provided that the recipient strives for the truth. The will for truth also guarantees fullest understanding if the truth is drawn from the source which I Myself open to you humans. If you accept My gift then you draw from the source of wisdom, from the inexhaustible fountain which My love offers you, who humbly ask for My gift of grace....


Translated by Doris Boekers