2294 Announcement of the final judgement.... paradisiacal state....
April 9, 1942: Book 32
The merciful time of earthly life is approaching its end and therefore the struggle of the two powers against each other is getting stronger and stronger, as each one still tries to win many souls for itself. And this time can also be recognized by external signs so that people pay attention and know that the time is near which was proclaimed in word and scripture. And he who pays attention to the signs will not be surprised but will prepare himself for the last judgement, for the end and the decision. For God announces the time beforehand and this is a renewed grace for humanity. His love and mercy applies to His creatures until the last hour, and He accepts every sinner who still finds his way to Him and asks Him for mercy; He is constantly willing to hand out favours which only people need to make use of in order to escape the final downfall. Yet only a few people will call upon Him for mercy because God is no longer recognized and humanity completely lacks faith in Him. And therefore the final judgement is inevitable.... it has to come and destroy everything that still lives on earth in order to make a new shaping of the earth possible, so that the work of redemption of the still immature spiritual beings can be started again in accordance with divine will. For the beingness, which had not yet reached the last stage as man, is hindered in its higher development, and therefore new possibilities must be offered to it, in which this beingness can mature further. The era that now begins is once again like paradise, for people live in peace and, through their love for each other, create a harmonious and pain-free earthly existence on which God's blessing visibly rests because people fulfil His will and their hearts beat towards Him. The time of struggle is over and a time of service has dawned, in contrast to the time before, which only brought struggle because humanity no longer wanted to decide to serve. And the new human race will glow with love for God and this will cause God to dwell amongst them, for He is where love is.... The degenerate being, which has abused its will again, will also be banished once more, its free will will be taken away from it again and people can no longer be oppressed by the adversary, who used these weak beings in bondage to him in order to have an unfavourable effect on believing people. This power has now been taken away from him and people can now develop upwards more easily and attain a degree of maturity on earth which was previously impossible to achieve. The battle of the world full of light has now come to an end for a short time, for these beings of light no longer encounter resistance but people voluntarily surrender to their influence and now live according to divine will.... in love and in spiritual connectedness....
Translated by Doris Boekers