2219 Teaching in truth requires faith in God....

January 22, 1942: Book 31

Every spiritual question remains unresolved as long as the human being does not affirmatively attune himself to the eternal deity, for it is spiritual forces which have already found union with God that are responsible for answering such questions. Understandably, they will not convey the flow of strength from God to a person who does not recognize the giver of strength. But spiritual knowledge is strength from God, strength from God can therefore only be received by a person who recognizes God, otherwise the whole world would be in knowledge, since the beings imparting light and strength would not deny the flow of strength to anyone on earth. But God sets conditions for the reception of truth, and the first condition is that the human being consciously decides in favour of God, that he believes in God as creator and Controller of all things, Who is supremely wise, kind and almighty. Faith in a God of love, wisdom and omnipotence also allows the human being to find contact with the creator of eternity and thus also establish contact with granted spiritual beings which are allowed to dwell in the vicinity of God in a state of perfection in order to constantly receive and pass on His divine strength. These beings constantly endeavour to help earthly people whose faith is still shallow. They try to make people think so that they send their thoughts upwards questioningly. Only then can they give an answer, i.e. mentally instruct people. But people who do not believe in God cannot realize how much more difficult it is for them to raise spiritual questions. They do not recognize anything spiritual and therefore do not direct their thoughts in that direction which they reject in their innermost being. But again, no answer can be given to people if they do not ask, for it is only through questions that the beings are able to mentally convey answers to them. Only through the question does the human being open his heart and only then can the flow of strength flow to him, for only then has he established the connection which God makes a condition. Man must recognize God in order to be able to recognize Him.... he must bow to Him in deepest humility in order to be able to receive His grace. But if God conveys the truth to people, if He wants to make them knowledgeable, then it is an immense grace, and this grace has to be consciously requested, thus the human being first has to acknowledge, by mentally asking questions, that there is a creator from Whom he assumes that He can answer his question by virtue of His wisdom and also wants to answer it by virtue of His love.... And he must humbly ask this now recognized creator for clarification, for knowledge and truth, then he will not open his heart in vain.... He can now be instructed by the knowing powers in the beyond and they will not let him ask in vain.... They joyfully share out what they themselves receive from God, they give because they are in love and giving makes them happy. And what they give is purest truth, since they are only the executors of the divine will, but God offers nothing other than purest truth to the one who expresses the desire for truth through his mental questioning....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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