2475 Unification of the spirit with the soul....
September 16, 1942: Book 33
The most significant moment in life on earth is the moment when the spirit unites with the soul. For this moment is decisive for the whole of eternity. The fate of the soul is, as it were, decided, its eternal life is assured. A soul that begins to unite with its spirit has escaped the opponent of God, it has overcome matter, it therefore only strives for spiritual goods and seeks to form the connection with the spiritual spark within itself ever more intimately. The human being has now irrevocably decided in favour of God, and now the soul also remains His property, it remains eternally connected to Him. The unification of the spirit with the soul takes place when body and soul no longer have any common interests, when the soul kills the desire of the body and only gives in to the desire of the spirit within it.... when the soul therefore only strives for the spiritual goal, when the body also ceases its desire and allows the soul to pursue its spiritual goal unhindered. The unification of the soul with the spirit is therefore the beginning of spiritual higher development, because man fulfils his task by only paying tribute to the world, but placing the spiritual life in the foreground....
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