2271 Rejecting the word of God is turning to the enemy of God....
March 21, 1942: Book 31
The antithesis of God is sought as soon as man closes himself off to the divine word, for then he is resisting the influx of power from God, and that in itself is a turning towards God's adversary. Anyone who rejects the word of God also rejects God Himself, for God is the word.... And if he uses God in his mouth, this is only a figure of speech which he uses without recognizing God. But if God Himself approaches him, he sets his will against it and cannot be forcibly brought to God. And yet he believes he is using his will correctly and being faithful to God when he has grown up in a false idea, and he only remains faithful to this false idea.... He clings tenaciously to his old beliefs and cannot be convinced that he is holding an erroneous doctrine because this conviction cannot be forcibly taught to him but must be gained by him of his own accord. The heart must be active, he must feel the urge within himself to fathom the truth and enter into intimate contact with God Himself, then he will recognize if and when he is walking in the truth. The word of God will enlighten him about everything, but clarity can never come to him if he rejects the word of God. God's adversary, however, will strengthen his will to reject it, he will mentally afflict him and he will also be successful, for people's will is far more inclined to accept his teachings, which are permeated by error, than the divine truth. And thus the human being is in union with God's opposite pole and his thoughts and actions correspond to it. He does not become active himself but persists in what he was previously offered, and that is his mistake, that he has appropriated something without seriously examining it and now shies away from a serious examination because he wants nothing other than what he possesses.... he is afraid of recognizing the flimsiness of what he possesses and therefore defends it all the more zealously. God, however, repeatedly tries to guide these people onto the path of truth, and He always comes close to them as soon as they lift their thoughts to Him. For they can only arrive at the truth through serious reflection, and time and again He will cause people to reflect in order to snatch them from the adversary's power and to be able to offer them His word and, with this word, also the power....
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