2115 Work of the light bearers.... unlimited ascension....
October 15, 1941: Book 30
To enter the kingdom of light requires a degree of maturity that allows the soul to endure the fullness of light, i.e. the divine radiation of love floods the soul and makes it unimaginably happy.... An immature soul, however, would be consumed by the fire of love because it has not yet become the same power. Only when the soul has likewise moulded itself into love can it bear the stream of light of divine love. And now this power drives it to perpetual activity.... However, the way in which the activity of a soul that has become a being of light takes place cannot be explained to people on earth. It is an incessant giving and receiving of strength; it is a process that can only be described as a constant redirection and transmission of the power of love from God. In an indescribably harmonious environment these beings of light merge for each other, uniting in love where increased release of strength is required, caring for the powerless beings in tireless love, leading them to the light and only ever guiding beings from darkness upwards. There is no more blissful process than the transformation of dark beings into bearers of light.... It is a process which lasts for inconceivable times but which does not let the being of light tire, for the goal is unimaginably blissful and the redeemed beings join up again with their spiritual guides and givers of light when they have likewise become bearers of light. And thus the first giving being becomes ever more light and powerful and can now unite with higher beings again through its degree of light, and this is tantamount to an ever more intimate union with God.... There are no limits to ascension in eternity. The being will be able to reach ever greater fullness of light without ever reaching the final goal. The measure of the emanation of love from God will never be limited, the being will always be able to receive more and strive for this 'more'. There is no stopping, there is no being satiated, which eliminates the desire for more. The giving being will receive and give away its wealth of love.... it will constantly desire and receive again.... However, the emission of light never reduces the degree of light of the giving being, for as the being continuously receives, its fullness of light becomes ever stronger, and thus the being comes ever closer to God. It is united with God through receiving His emanation of love and yet constantly strives towards God.... desire and fulfilment is the perpetual state of happiness of beings who have entered the kingdom of light.... who are themselves blissful and want to lead to bliss....
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