2761 Right knowledge means higher development....
May 31, 1943: Book 34/35/36
For the human being to have the right realization means the maturing of his soul, for realization is the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of earthly life, of his earthly task, of the right relationship with God, of God's wisdom, omnipotence and love and of the primordial beginning and the final goal of every creature. It follows from this that the knowing man will adjust his earthly life quite differently than if he lives in ignorance of it. He will strive spiritually in order to come closer to the most perfect being, the creator of heaven and earth, he will try to assimilate himself to this supreme being and thus also mature accordingly, i.e. develop himself upwards. It is therefore extremely important to strive for the right knowledge, for realization; it is important to penetrate the truth and thus to ask for it, otherwise it cannot be conveyed to people. Man's will must always be directed towards receiving divine wisdom, he must recognize God as the original source of wisdom and desire to be allowed to draw from this source and, if he opens himself to Him, he must allow the living water to flow into him.... Then he will come to the fullest realization and be blessed beyond measure already on earth. Then he will have broken the spell which separates him from the spiritual kingdom; he will already be connected to the spiritual kingdom, for the knowledge he now receives is spiritual knowledge, it belongs to the spiritual kingdom, and thus the human being is an aspirant of the spiritual kingdom as soon as spiritual knowledge is imparted to him from there. Earthly life is now only a transition for him, his thoughts dwell more above the earth and he is drawn with all his senses into the kingdom from where deepest knowledge flows to him. And this longing for the spiritual kingdom also makes him strive for perfection, he lives his life consciously, he works on himself because the knowledge of the goal spurs him on to eagerly strive, because he knows that earthly life is only the means to an end, the preparatory stage for the life in the beyond which is to bring him spiritual freedom, light and bliss.... Realization is a great progress on earth; he who walks in realization no longer belongs exclusively to earth but his soul often dwells where its true home is. The thoughts of the one who stands in realization wander upwards, they flee from the heaviness of earth, and this is always advantageous for the soul, which leaves the body unnoticed and lets itself be led by the spirit in man to where spiritual treasures await it, where spiritual friends instruct it and offer it the eternal truths.... The soul feels at ease in this kingdom and only returns to earth with reluctance, yet it takes spiritual possessions down with it, and thus it continues to mature and develops upwards....
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