2423 God's love and mercy....
July 27, 1942: Book 33
Divine love and mercy applies to all creatures on earth and in the beyond. It is an incessant labour of love in the spiritual kingdom, which only has the redemption of the spiritual as its goal. And full of mercy God leans towards every single soul that is still unredeemed. For it is in spiritual distress as long as it is not yet aware of its faults and shortcomings and therefore does not try to rectify them either. Then His mercy seeks to guide this soul towards realization in order to give it the happiness of spiritual freedom. The intimate love with which He embraces His creatures is incomprehensible to people because they themselves are too little capable of love and therefore simply cannot grasp the degree of divine love. Only the person capable of love begins to understand the mystery of divine love when he himself allows his love to become active. For now he also feels the bliss that active love triggers. And this blissful feeling lets him sense the divine power of love, by which he himself as well as every creature on earth and in the universe is seized. And as soon as he feels seized by divine love, he surrenders to it without resistance. But love and mercy belong together.... God's love belongs to every being that makes itself worthy of His radiance of love through works of love.... But God's mercy is also there, where the eternal divinity is not respected, for He does not let these beings fall, but He constantly courts their love.... He also turns to those who are outside of divine love. He tries to draw them into it, in a manner of speaking He pushes them towards the life of love by sending His spiritual co-workers to them time and again and thus encouraging them to reflect on themselves. He also informs those of the divine word who still turn away from God. He therefore tries to motivate them into loving activity so that the concept of 'love' slowly dawns on them and they now practice it of their own accord and also become capable and worthy of receiving the divine emanation of love. For the more a person is now active in love, the more mature he will be and the more perceptibly he will also feel divine love if he himself accomplishes a work of neighbourly love. For God's love and mercy gives the human being a sign so as not to leave him in spiritual distress, for He longs for His living creations and especially for those who are still far away from Him. He does not leave them to their self-chosen fate because He knows that the lack of realization makes people act as they do in their lack of love. And that is why He wants to come to their aid, for His love lasts forever....
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