2322 The work of the spirit requires a conscious state....
May 3, 1942: Book 32
It is an unusual gift of grace when a person can enjoy the direct mediation of the divine word. And yet this person must first have shaped himself in such a way that God honours him with such mediation. This is by no means an act of will circumcision, for the will of man must likewise have previously declared itself ready to receive the divine word. Therefore, the word cannot reach him if his will resists it or is switched off. In that case God used an unwilling instrument to express Himself. And then the working of the spirit is switched off, therefore the spirit from God cannot manifest itself obviously and there can be no question of God's emanation. The unconscious state does not correspond to God's will.... Good spiritual beings often express themselves through such people if they place themselves completely under their influence, and then the expressions are also to be believed. In most cases, however, weak-willed people are pressurized by strong-willed evil forces, so the strong will is transferred to the former, and then the person only repeats what is whispered to him by those forces. Whereas a person who surrenders to God's influence of his own free will can only receive purest truth because the spirit from God is active, which also manifests itself through clearly understandable utterances that beneficially affect the person. The lack of freedom of will greatly reduces the value of what is offered and therefore those revelations must be scrutinized with the greatest care before they are rejected or accepted. And the truth-loving person who asks God for enlightenment will also feel in his heart what he should accept as truth and what he should reject. For God does not allow those who want to stand in truth to go astray, He makes the truth accessible to them and at the same time enlightens them in order to persuade them to accept what is offered if they are willing, or He sharpens their power of judgement where what is offered does not fully correspond to divine truth. He does not leave people in the dark who have the desire for light. And if they are in danger of making a wrong judgement, He warns them and protects them from making a wrong decision. But this shall not remain hidden from you humans that God, in His love and wisdom, chooses many instruments for Himself and reveals His will to them for the salvation of humanity's souls. Yet He always chooses earthly children whose spiritual state of maturity allows God to approach them in a conscious state and reveal His will to them. For the working of the spirit is not an influencing of an unwilling creature but a gift of grace offered to a person who consciously surrenders to God and wants to receive His gift. The working of the spirit is an overflowing of divine strength into the human body, which can now achieve extraordinary things through this supply of strength and is thus also introduced to profound wisdom through the spirit within itself, which unites itself in a fully awake state with the spirit outside itself and now receives the truth from God according to divine will....
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