
2180 Teaching activity of the otherworldly beings through thought transmission....

December 9, 1941: Book 31

Every spiritual thought finds its echo in the beyond, for it is immediately seized by the beings who are bearers of light and strength and whose task it is to mentally instruct people. They can only have an effect on them when their thoughts rise into spiritual regions, i.e. when people mentally occupy themselves with such things which lie beyond the earthly. The human being must therefore first have the will to receive enlightenment about these things.... He must let his thoughts wander into areas that are still foreign to him and the desire must awaken in him to be truthfully informed about them. Only then can the beings of light fulfil their desire, they can force themselves into the human being's train of thought and convey the truth to him in a flash. No thought that arises in a person will ever remain unanswered by those beings, they are always ready to give and instruct, they take up every thought and never tire of their teaching ministry. But they must also immediately give up their teaching activity if the earthly child turns its thoughts to earthly things again or the desire for truth, for enlightenment, becomes weaker, for then the preconditions which God has attached to the reception of truth have not been fulfilled. God's requirements must absolutely be fulfilled before God gives His forces the task of teaching. If humanity has now reached a certain spiritual low, then every effort of the spiritual beings is unsuccessful and it is painful for these beings, for their flow of strength is not heeded; it is not recognized and therefore not desired either. But no instructions can be offered to them uninvited and the desire cannot be forcibly awakened in them. And thus the beings who are in knowledge cannot spread their knowledge, for the direct connection from earth to the beyond is only very rare and is therefore exhaustively utilized by the teachers in the beyond as soon as a willing earthly child places itself at their disposal. And that is why this one will never wait in vain for the proclamations. The beings in the beyond are always ready to give because the giving of their knowledge makes them unspeakably happy. The divine powers work so obviously and yet they are not heeded. Again, the light bearers in the beyond have an easy job with people if they have already been made aware of them on earth and they can now tie in with the person's train of thought. Despite apparent rejection, the human being can then become thoughtful and the reflection can be the beginning of instructions that are now given to the human being himself. For thinking about it is already enough that the spirit beings can now carry out their activity.... mentally influence him. Increased thinking will begin as soon as the human being's desire for earthly pleasures begins to subside, for the latter prevent the human being from seriously thinking about extraterrestrial things. If, however, he begins to detach himself from it, then he is also receptive to mental instructions.... i.e. he indulges in his thoughts and now receives constant nourishment from the spiritual kingdom.... He asks questions and is instructed; he does this unconsciously, because he regards the results as his own until he is enlightened from the knowing side. The forces in the beyond remind people again and again by directing the individual's train of thought to things that stimulate reflection, and then they fulfil their task with joy. Every person is surrounded by teaching beings who only ever pay attention to when the person asks questions in order to be able to answer them immediately. However, it is easier if they can communicate with a directly receiving earthly child in this way, because then they can introduce the human being to all areas, thus they can convey very extensive knowledge to earth and spread so much light. As soon as the human being endeavours to let this light shine, as soon as he also wants to impart his knowledge to other people, he is now always used as a receptacle for divine wisdom and thus he already becomes a bearer of light on earth.... He receives truth and passes it on and is welcome as a mediator for the beings of light in the afterlife. Because sometimes access to people's hearts is blocked and extraordinary phenomena are necessary to lead people back to faith....


Translated by Doris Boekers