2116 Earthly and spiritual upheavals....
October 15, 1941: Book 30
Greatest upheavals are still ahead of the world, and this in every respect; both earthly and spiritually a completely new time will dawn, a time of unrest and struggle, a time of destruction and reconstruction. Human lives will be destroyed, the successes of earthly endeavour will crumble into nothing, creations made by human hands will be destroyed and catastrophic natural events will change the surface of the earth.... And spiritually great changes will likewise be expected, for the world will also declare war on the existing spiritual direction, it will also intervene destructively in every way. And God will let people have their way as long as their work of destruction only applies to the outer shell.... God Himself will only intervene when the core is in danger...., i.e., when the divine teaching of love is to be eradicated, when humanity is completely misguided in its thinking and recognizes the measures of the world, then there is a danger of spiritual decline and then help is needed. But the time will come when events will come thick and fast, when spiritual and earthly demonic activity will be recognizable, when nothing will be left as it was and innovations will be introduced which will mean a complete overthrow of what exists. And then man should use his power of judgement, he should think justly and act justly.... he should recognize what is good and abhor what is clearly the work of satan.... He should ask God for help, for strength and grace and righteous thinking; he should stand up for what he believes to be right and not, by tolerating injustice, make himself complicit in actions which he can prevent, which are inflicted on people who are unable to defend themselves. The spiritual battle will take form of those people giving up their resistance who are not particularly strong in faith and request their strength from God. It will particularly shake those people from whom traditional traditions are taken away and who attach too much value to them.... Yet God allows what can still have a beneficial effect, but He will intervene Himself if people are in danger of losing their faith in a righteous God. God foresees what is to come and His activity is accordingly.... He also prepares the battle, He also assembles His army, but His weapons are different to those used by the world. The world wants to destroy, God builds the same, and the world will only ever be able to destroy that which has been created in a worldly way. Yet spiritual possessions are inviolable even for those who possess great earthly power, for God Himself gives spiritual possessions and divine gifts cannot be destroyed by earthly power. But what falls prey to people's will to destroy is not from God, and therefore such destructions should not be valued too highly.... even if they appear to be in favour of spiritual striving. But where the world's battle is directed against God Himself, God Himself will also face the adversary and his defeat will be terrible.... For whatever may come upon humanity, those people will emerge victorious who remain faithful to God and do not fear the world. For there is a power that is stronger than earthly power; people should be subject to it and fear it alone....
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