2525 Mission.... execute with divine power....
October 28, 1942: Book 33
Every mission for God first of all requires a willingness, for it is usually a task which requires the person to overcome himself, which can therefore only be carried out if the person is aware of this requirement and yet has the will to do so. Carrying out a mission for God will always mean a battle with the world and therefore requires courage and determination, which a person musters if he loves God, i.e. wants to serve Him. But only a few people consciously want to serve Him, because only a few people renounce the world and the battle with the world becomes easier for them as a result. As long as the human being allows himself to be taken captive by the world, he is unable to fight it, i.e. only those who despise the world do not find the battle so difficult because they gladly renounce what the world takes from them in this battle. But man's will to serve God and thus to take on the mission is richly rewarded by God insofar as he is given strength to fight against the world. And therefore he need not fear being incapable, for the will also makes him capable. God's working through a person who devotes himself to Him will obviously manifest itself, yet a person who withholds his will from God will never be able to achieve anything extraordinary. No human being will ever be compelled to fight for God and against the world who does not voluntarily offer himself to do so. But those who have the will to fulfil the divine will, who therefore submit themselves to God and offer themselves to Him as an instrument, will be seized by His strength and grace if they are to start their mission, if they are to stand up for God before the world. They will no longer be in doubt as to what they should do or say, they will act out of themselves and with the feeling that they must act in this way and no other. They will not be fearful or faint-hearted, they will follow without reluctance the inner voice that guides and directs them and prompts them to think what is right before God. Voluntary devotion to God assures them of God's grace, and God's grace is help in all things, in all ways and at all times. And that is why a person can surrender himself in full faith to his lord and saviour, his creator and father, once he has offered himself to Him for service.... He will be seized when the hour of work has come for him, he will be filled with divine strength and be full of love for Him, he will no longer ponder or be indecisive, but his path of life lies clearly and distinctly before him; he walks it, driven by the spirit of God, and now carries out the mission as it is God's will....
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