
2315 Gifts of the spirit.... purest truth....

April 26, 1942: Book 32

The gifts of the spirit are to be valued as the purest truth. They must be unreservedly recognized as purest truth, for the spirit from God cannot err and will only impart the truth to the human being because what it imparts is of divine origin. Consequently, the human being will never be considered other than truthful if the spirit from God is active. But whether the spirit works from God can be recognized by the fact that spiritual possessions are imparted to the human being which merely benefit the soul, thus excluding any earthly advantage. Furthermore, the way in which spiritual possessions are imparted is to be regarded as proof of its working.... Teaching forces, which no longer belong to earth, impart knowledge to people which far surpasses all school knowledge. And this knowledge is offered (received?) in the form of transcripts that arise effortlessly and correctly.... So there are undeniably forces at work that possess such knowledge themselves. These forces are constantly in contact with the spirit in the human being and convey extraordinary knowledge to the human being's soul through this spirit, thus they increase his possession of spiritual possessions without the intervention of a fellow human being. Spiritual possessions can only ever be imparted through the spirit, for even if they are acquired through study they can only really be addressed as spiritual possessions once the human being has taken a stand on them and his mental activity is once again guided by the spirit within himself.... it only now becomes comprehensible to man. The spirit must always become active in him in order to be able to receive spiritual knowledge, i.e. spiritual things can only be grasped by the spirit. So what is to penetrate the spirit in man must emanate from the divine spirit.... and what emanates from God, i.e. has its origin in Him, must again be received by the divine spiritual spark in man.... The body as such can never receive what God has intended for the soul (the spirit).... just as, conversely, the soul (the spirit) can never receive anything that has not emanated from God through the spirit. Spiritual goods are merely a share of the spirit, which is why only perfect beings can ever be donors of spiritual goods and the spirit in a person is only capable of receiving these spiritual goods from them....


Translated by Doris Boekers