
2306 Meaning of the words "My church...."

April 19, 1942: Book 32

It does not correspond to My will to disregard the blessings of the church, for I Myself founded the church so that My word may be taught within the church, so that My word may be brought to people on My behalf for the salvation of their souls.... But what is My church?.... Who belongs to My church and what blessings have I promised to those who belong to My church?.... Time and again it has to be explained to people that I have only spoken of My faithful followers and that even today I still understand My church to be those people who are deeply devout, that is, who come together in faith in Me and form a congregation. A congregation of believers.... that is the right meaning of the word "My church...." I Myself founded this church when I chose My apostles and sent them out into all the world; I gave them the task of proclaiming My word to those who believed. And to these believers of Mine I promised My blessing.... My support, My Spirit.... I have given them the promise to be in their midst if they believingly receive this word of Mine. And My presence signifies the distribution of My love, for where I dwell My love must also be felt, which expresses itself in the transmission of strength, thus in the bestowal of My grace. And thus I bless everyone who receives My word with faith in Me, for he will also live according to My word and consequently be honoured with My grace. Thus I bless the believers who, in union, form My church and, understandably, I cannot approve of it if My blessing is valued lightly and the union of the believers is thus called into question, for anyone who does not believe My promises cannot belong to the circle of My believers either and thus to the church which I founded and which presupposes profound faith. The blessings of My church are the foundation of faith, for if I am with My own with My support they will be permeated by My love and grace and then also be able to believe firmly and unshakably and be true followers of My church, for the spirit within them is pushing towards My father-spirit. And therefore My church is nothing external but something deeply internal, which is why it need not be outwardly recognizable. My church has to unite truly believing people so that the blessings of this church will have an effect on these believers and so that My true church can also be recognized by them. And anyone who belongs to this church of Mine does not disregard its blessings either, for he believes in Me, My love and My strength and wants to receive them from My hand.... love, strength and grace.... My church is the community of believers whose shepherd I am.... And My will is that they recognize in Me their shepherd, that they hear Me when I let My voice be heard.... that they feel Me when they receive My word and then willingly follow Me, i.e., strive to fulfil My word and put it into practice....


Translated by Doris Boekers