
2239 father's words - Love-Teaching.... Outer Forms....

February 20, 1942: Book 31

Preach love to people and you will proclaim the teaching which I gave to people on earth and thus also be My true representatives. It is irrelevant in which form you offer this teaching of Mine and in which form you follow it if only love is decisive for your earthly life. If only you always give love, you will follow Me and then your earthly life will earn you redemption. Love will set you free from the captivity of the one who caused your fall into sin.... Love will intimately unite you with Me and earn you adoption as children of God.... But only love can do this.... Where there is love, every outward form is unnecessary; but I pay no attention to the form because it is not from Me. For I truly do not need any outward signs to reveal the inner attitude, I look into the heart and know about the most hidden corners, I know about every thought, and so the mind of no human being is truly hidden from Me, and thus I also judge the human being accordingly. So what is the value of form? He who walks on earth without love is far from Me, even if he fulfils every form; but whose heart is filled with love, I am close to him, even without him making this known outwardly. The time will come when you humans will be prevented from practicing those forms which still seem important to you today, and love alone will be decisive as to whether you belong to My church and whether you follow My teaching, for if you practice love you will live according to My teaching and thereby also prove your faith in Me and My act of salvation, for then you will follow Me.... and thus you will acknowledge Me.... And then everything that goes beyond the scope of My teaching will also appear unimportant to you. My teaching only includes the commandments of love.... To love God above all else and your neighbour as yourself.... that is all I ask of people, and if these commandments are fulfilled then the human being has done everything he is supposed to do on earth. And he will enjoy My constant love and grace and his earthly life will be blessed. Whatever else he does in outward appearances will neither harm nor benefit him, and his salvation will never again depend on it. Only the degree of love of the human heart determines the soul's degree of maturity, and only the innermost feeling is decisive as to whether and when I bestow My love and grace on a person....


Translated by Doris Boekers