2814 Spark of divine love....

July 18, 1943: Book 37

The spark of divine love, which is placed in every human being's heart, also ensures his existence as long as it is God's will, i.e. God gave the human being life for the purpose of his higher development, and He will not end this life either before he has fulfilled his task as long as the human being strives upwards, because God does not act destructively against Himself and the spark of love in the human being is His share. Every person who constantly strives upwards would therefore be able to reach an old age because he uses his life exclusively for the salvation of his soul. However, if he disregards the soul, his life is not only spiritually but also earthly jeopardized, for God can call him away prematurely out of mercy in order to prevent a complete apostasy from Himself.... but man can also contribute through his turning away from God that the power of the adversary increases, that it now overflows him and suffocates the divine spark of love, so that he can no longer receive any power from God and this means a complete decay for body and soul. Then earthly life is pointless for him and it is taken from him. He has then broken off all connection with God of his own accord, even though the connection with Him remains for all eternity. But once the divine spark of love in him has been extinguished, life is also extinguished, first spiritually, then also earthly. For to live means to be constantly active, to live means to utilize the power from God to work.... Without power, however, it is not a state of life, but a state of death, powerlessness and torpor. The divine spark of love is therefore the breath which awakens to life, which constitutes life and which can now be ignited into the brightest flame, so that constant activity in love is the effect of a brightly shining flame of love which has its origin in God. A person who passes away on earth without love is also already spiritually dead, God just does not yet withdraw His love from him, i.e., He still lets the spark of love glow so little in him that it can still ignite. For as long as the human being is alive he is offered the opportunity to do so. As long as the human being is alive he will also feel love within himself, only it is often a wrong love, a love for things which distract from God instead of turning all his love towards Him. And such love for the world, for earthly matter, will always stifle the divine spark of love in the human being, thus rendering him incapable of unselfish loving activity. Working in love is the expression of the divine spark of love, which has been ignited and becomes a flame. The more this flame flares up, the more it warms the human being's heart; it takes hold of everything so that the human being cannot help but be lovingly active and radiates his love to everything that surrounds him, so that his love also reignites the spark of love in the hearts of his fellow human beings and a constant activity of love is the result, which is absolutely necessary for the redemption of the soul....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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