2526 Catastrophe.... divine intervention....
October 29, 1942: Book 33
In just a few moons the world will be in a state of great turmoil. The spiritual regression has its consequences in so far as an event occurs which is to stop this development and reverse it. There is no other means, for people have been affected by severe suffering and even this has not been able to direct people's mind towards the spiritual, but this is absolutely necessary for spiritual development. For the world still holds them captive as if in shackles and they view every experience with a purely worldly attitude. Only when people realize that everything in the world is transient, only when they pay less attention to the world, will they turn their attention to the shaping of the soul. And only then will the development of the spiritual progress. But now a standstill has occurred where there is no decline in development. And always experiencing the same would not bring about a change, and therefore something has to happen that can bring about a change in thinking. Nothing in the world remains at the same stage of development, everything develops slowly upwards, and only man sets a limit to its development through his will. And yet he has the task of increasing this development to the highest degree on earth. And he can also do this by using his will correctly. But he uses his will to bring about a standstill by not paying attention to his task. His will fails and the earth no longer fulfils the purpose for the spiritual being in the last stage of development. It is no longer needed in any way because its actual purpose is disregarded; consequently, earthly life is unlawfully utilized by people and this must result in divine intervention. God has to make them understand that they are not living their life according to His will, He has to direct their thoughts towards the end so that they give an account of their life and remember the approaching death. And that is the purpose of this last admonition from above, that a horror takes hold of people and they are thus pushed into a different way of life, which can awaken spiritual striving in them if they give in to the inner urge and use their will correctly. Yet the human being must always recognize this intervention as a divine mission if it is to be successful for his soul. He must believe that the creator of heaven and earth Himself is at work, that He, as lord over the forces of nature, commands every element and that it is therefore His will when the earth is afflicted by a natural disaster so great that the whole world is thrown into turmoil. The whole world should reflect on this, all people should ask themselves why the creator is sending such a visitation upon the earth, and whoever gains the right realization from this will no longer be endangered in his higher development....
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