2248 Messages from the spiritual realm.... earthbound beings....

March 3, 1942: Book 31

People certainly resist the messages from the kingdom of the beyond if they are thereby given guidelines for their earthly way of life, for they will always contradict what is beneficial for their physical well-being. Moreover, these messages can never be substantiated by evidence but have to be believed, but belief in them is again dependent on the will to recognize. For as soon as a person has the will to attain the right realization, he will seriously think everything through and also deal in depth with questions about the eternal divine. A questioner, however, can mentally receive the right answer and thus it is also possible for him to respond affirmatively to spiritual revelations, i.e. to consider them credible. However, where this will to recognize is lacking, the human being is dismissive without thinking about what is offered to him. He cannot believe because he does not want to believe, and spiritual mediations will rather touch him unpleasantly. His will is then under the opposing influence, i.e. he does not use his free will but allows himself to be dominated by God-opposing power. What is offered to a person from the spiritual kingdom will only find favour if it concerns earthly things or earthly events, yet such messages are of no value whatsoever for the soul's higher spiritual development, on the contrary, they confuse people's thinking insofar as they cannot be offered any guarantee as to whether they always correspond to the truth, for the givers of such messages are always beings who are still very attached to earth and try to transfer their own thoughts to people who are of the same spirit, i.e. who are likewise still too attached to earth. Such messages can sometimes be true, but then they are unimportant for the development of the soul. More often, however, they do not correspond to the truth, since earthbound beings are still too dominated by the power which fights the truth and makes use of precisely such immature beings in order to beguile people and guide them into wrong thinking. The human being has to be very critical of spiritual messages which are received without a heartfelt bond with God, for only the latter guarantees the pure truth, because the eternal truth Itself then expresses Itself as soon as the human being establishes a bond with It. But then the faith will also be a convinced one, for a person who unites himself with God also has the will to stand in the right realization.... He will not demand any evidence and yet his faith will be a living one even without it, for he will affirm with his heart what he now receives from the spiritual kingdom....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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