2826 Instructive activity on earth and in the hereafter difficult....
July 26, 1943: Book 37
It is an equally difficult task in the beyond as on earth to guide souls onto the path of truth and to proclaim the gospel to them as long as the soul itself is in a defensive position. For then the counter-effects to which the souls abandon themselves are still so strong. The will and the desire for spiritual knowledge predominates in them, which originates from God's adversary and is therefore error. In the beyond it is the concepts which the human being has taken with him from his earthly existence which remain with him as long as he does not try to free himself from them. It is easier to free himself from them on earth than in the beyond, for ever new impressions can invalidate the views gained, whereas in the beyond the soul stubbornly defends its last impressions and concepts and is therefore difficult to disabuse itself of them. This is why the beings of light have a difficult job to begin with, which is only successful if carried out with love and patience. On earth, on the other hand, the transmission of pure truth is so difficult because, when the human being is made aware of the invalidity of his opinion, he also doubts the truth of what he is now being offered, and rightly so, as long as it does not originate from the source which guarantees the pure truth. And this is why instructing the erring souls on earth as well as in the beyond is an activity which requires love and perseverance and the realization of the unspeakable hardship of the souls who live in error. The latter causes the beings of light in the beyond to approach the ignorant souls time and again and to persuade them to accept the gospel which is offered to them with love. But this is a rewarding task insofar as that the souls are extremely receptive and willing as soon as they have accepted the teachings, that the instructive activity is therefore of greatest success, as soon as the beings of light have succeeded in breaking their will of rejection, whereas on earth people constantly doubt and find it difficult to recognize the truth offered to them as truth as long as they do not surrender to its effect without resistance, i.e. to live in accordance with the truth imparted to them, They try to live according to the truth imparted to them and then feel the power of truth in themselves in the form of increased desire for it and happy satisfaction as soon as the desire is fulfilled. Once the initial resistance has been overcome on earth and in the beyond, the teachings will result in great blessings and spiritual success. In the beyond the being now progresses faster in its development because, once it has realized, it strives extremely eagerly for perfection. On earth the human being is repeatedly taken up by earthly things, he does not allow spiritual development to become the sole purpose of his life and is repeatedly in danger of being overwhelmed by the world and its demands. He must put up the greatest resistance if his soul is to attain the necessary maturity in earthly life. And therefore the work on earth on the erring souls is even more important, but it is also supported by forces in the beyond which, as servants of God, seize every mentally prepared soul and take care of it with love and patience, that is, they now mentally instruct it in the same truth which is from God and therefore remains unchanging and must also lead to eternal life....
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