2821 Secret of divine love.... power....
July 22, 1943: Book 37
The secret of the power of divine love is only a secret to you because you yourselves practice too little love, otherwise you would feel this power in yourselves. You have the possibility of being able to work powerfully and mightily yourselves, because through loving activity you draw God's love to you, which is power in itself. You would be able to accomplish the most extraordinary things, you would be capable of achievements which you would describe as miracles and which are nothing extraordinary after all, but only prove to you the power of love. Love is divine and therefore must also have divine qualities; thus, if a person has love, he must also be a God-like being who has strength at his disposal because everything divine is powerful. The human being is then not just an earthly being bound by narrow natural laws but already an aspirant of the spiritual kingdom, and thus he can also utilize the powers of the spiritual kingdom, God's emanation of love, which he can receive once he has changed himself into love. God, as eternal love, imparts His strength to all beings which try to assimilate themselves to Him, which endeavour to live in love, and consequently love is the only way to be able to receive strength in all its fullness. And for anyone who receives strength from God nothing will be impossible.... People make so little use of this power that they are not yet aware of what they could dispose of, for they lack a deep faith in the power of love. They are still too rooted to the earth, they cannot free themselves from its laws because they lack the belief that they can do everything with the help of divine power, which they can acquire for themselves through eager activity in love. They do not put their knowledge into practice by utilizing this divine power in their unshakeable belief in it for extraordinary work. This work must always be based on love for fellow human beings, thus the human being may only request the divine supply of strength for works of neighbourly love which are beneficial to his fellow human being. They must again be motivated by love, then the love of God is obviously at their side, expressing itself as power that is not available to man as such. Faith and love can do everything.... If faith is not deep enough, then a person will not utilize the power of love either, and yet he would be able to continue to work for the benefit of his fellow human beings.... And therefore seek to penetrate the mystery of divine love.... try to realize that it is strength in itself and that the transmission of strength has to take place as soon as the human being carries out a deed of love because he thereby opens himself up to the influx of strength from God.... and that you can now make use of this strength or you will not feel it as strength.... Try to imagine that everything that exists has emerged from this strength and that you are now likewise able to accomplish things which require strength because the divine strength of love is at your disposal as soon as you yourselves are active in love and have thereby acquired the right to the divine emanation of love.... God does not withhold it from you, yet you must now also use what is offered to you; you must believe that you are able to do everything if you make use of the strength from God, and you must now utilize your might and strength for the spiritual and physical well-being of your fellow human beings.... then you will also be able to penetrate the secret of divine love....
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