2547 Preparing God's servants to work for Him....

November 13, 1942: Book 33

The will of the father in heaven is that His servants completely abandon themselves to Him, that they allow themselves to be guided without inner resistance, that they carry out everything they feel urged to do, and that they commend themselves to Him and His grace at every hour. The spirit in them will guide them and they can always be assured of divine protection. For the hour of work is coming for His servants, and this hour shall find them prepared. Only those who connect with God daily and hourly in fervent prayer will have the strength to stand up for Him when this becomes necessary before the world. He will also recognize God in the raging of the elements and his faith will become strong when he hears this voice of God. There is only a short time left and you who want to serve God should make use of it. You should work on yourselves and never miss an opportunity to do a labour of love. For by doing so you will become stronger, because the power of divine love will then flow to you and the clearest thoughts will dictate that you act as God wants you to. The deeper you are in love, the less doubtful you will be about what you should or should not do. Let everything come to you and always trust in your heavenly father, Who will guide your every step as soon as you entrust yourselves to His guidance. The coming time needs strong representatives of His word, and these must themselves be deep in faith in order to be able to devote themselves courageously and undauntedly to the service of God. But as soon as the hour has come, you will also noticeably realize the power of God, for you will act and speak without restraint and also fear no earthly power. For the spirit within you will drive you to do so, and you will heed his voice more than the voices of the world. It is a great task which you are to fulfil and yet its fulfilment is unspeakably necessary for the salvation of fellow human beings' souls, for if the divine word is not made accessible to them through the mouth of a human being they will face spiritual ruin, for they will no longer seek the word where it was previously offered to them. The word shall be proclaimed to them elsewhere, they shall hear it from the mouth of a human being who has received it directly from God, and this word shall appear more acceptable to them as soon as they are willing to listen to it. And for this God needs His representatives on earth to convey His word to people after the great upheaval which humanity will soon experience. For everything corresponds to God's wise plan and everything happens as it has been destined since eternity. And so the bearers of His word will also have to be ready to fulfil the task they are given with zeal; they themselves will need great strength which, however, will also be at their disposal if they are willing to serve the lord. For God Himself wants to speak to them through a human being and lead them back to the right path which leads to Him, to the eternal home opposite....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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