2112 Fight against the spiritual.... intervention of God....
October 13, 1941: Book 30
Everything divine and sublime is pulled down by people, and they take no offence at mocking or laughing at things that are serious and sacred to their fellow human beings. And therefore it will be easy for the earthly power to take up arms against everything spiritual. It will not encounter difficulties if it wants to carry out drastic changes in the spiritual field. On the contrary, it will find approval in all its orders. And this proves the disinherited state of humanity, it also proves the necessity of intervention on the part of the eternal deity. The world and its followers will not be prevented from carrying out what it is planning because this will eliminate other abuses. But God will bring help through His intervention to those who are faithful to God and to whom the harsh measures apply; for they will find themselves in a situation where they will be pressed to the utmost and in danger of becoming weak. For people know no mercy because they themselves are completely far from God. The slightest contradiction is punished with the harshest penalties and the world finds this right and just. For it only sees the earthly and therefore approves of it when people are deprived of the opportunity to be spiritually active on the grounds that their time could be used more profitably if they were looking for a field of activity. And thus the believers will be forced to find themselves in silence and their plea will rise up to the father that He wants to take care of their need. And God will hear them.... He will strengthen His own with comfort and strength, and as small as the circle of true believers will be, they will nevertheless achieve the greatest spiritual success. For man will then more than ever take refuge in God and not want to give Him up. For only then will faith come alive. What was previously still form will either be completely surrendered or defended with tenacity because it will now be recognized as the most precious thing man possesses on earth. But people are always given knowledge of God and His working, and what the human being previously only believed has now become an irrefutable certainty to him, and since the human being now knows, he is not frightened by earthly measures, he continues on his path undeterred and remains faithful to God. And God needs these few to work for Him in the coming time....
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