2793 Right cognition and knowledge - peace and happiness....
June 30, 1943: Book 37
It is the right realization and the pure truth that makes the human being happy and gives him inner peace. As long as he still walks in ignorance, he is neither balanced nor completely satisfied, for he lacks the knowledge of the connection between the creator, the creatures and the events, he knows nothing about the cause and effect of every happening, and therefore he also does not understand the meaning and purpose and the necessity of all things and all events around him.... Through the right knowledge, through the pure truth, he is enlightened, he becomes seeing.... and now what was dark becomes clear, it becomes understandable to him, and the knowledge makes him happy. For he begins to comprehend even the difficult, painful aspects of earthly life; he knows that it is necessary and therefore it no longer seems so painful to him; he knows about the blessing of it, about its effect, as soon as he also recognizes the cause and sees all experience as a means that brings him closer to the ultimate goal. As soon as man is knowledgeable, there are no unanswered questions for him, there is no fear, no despondency, no timidity and no doubt.... his life becomes easy through unconditional trust in God, through deep, unshakeable faith. Everything oppressive falls away from him because he knows that everything is founded in God's love and must therefore be good and lead to the goal. And he will never ask fate the desperate question: why?.... He knows that God is love and that he himself is the creature that has emerged from His love. And so he also knows that the final fusion with eternal love is his ultimate goal and that everything on earth is only a means to an end. He also knows what resistance the human being puts up against eternal love and what means of education are needed in order to break this resistance.... And thus the knowing human being must carry peace within himself, for if he recognizes the loving and guiding hand of God in everything, an inner calm will be his own, for he now entrusts himself completely to his creator.... As long as man has not yet penetrated this knowledge, he cannot yet comprehend God's loving guidance; he therefore also looks at earthly events with different eyes. They burden and oppress him and rob him of his inner peace. But the right realization frees.... The right knowledge lets man seek union with God and also find it, for if he knows about God's love and recognizes himself as a product of this love, he constantly strives towards his creator and sustainer and seeks to unite with Him. But only the right realization.... the knowledge of the pure truth.... brings about this union with God, whereas the ignorant human being only ever calls incoherent thoughts his own, cannot provide sufficient enlightenment and is therefore not inwardly satisfied by what he considers to be truth. And consequently, his thoughts will not make him happy either, on the contrary, they will often give rise to questions and doubts which he cannot answer or combat himself unless he turns to the giver of truth, unless he appeals to God Himself for enlightenment of spirit....
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