2483 Earthly task of the servants of God....

September 25, 1942: Book 33

There is truly no greater task on earth than to be of service to God and to fulfil His mission, which consists of receiving His word and passing it on to fellow human beings. Anyone who has the word will also find the right path which leads to God, and therefore the word of God has to be brought to people so that they will find their way to Him.... And God's will is that all people come to Him, and for this they need His word.... And that is why God trains His servants who receive His word from Him and are now also busily active in spreading this word. This is an activity that will always find God's favour because it presupposes love for fellow human beings.... However, anyone who has the word must also be active in love, since loving activity alone makes a person receptive to the divine word. And again, the divine word must stimulate loving activity, for the human being cannot avoid passing on this precious gift because his heart itself feels it to be blissful and happiness always makes it communicable. However, the task of passing on spiritual possessions is also to a certain extent a responsible one, for only the truth should be spread and therefore the minister of God must also ensure that he only passes on pure truth. He is chosen to separate the truth from the lie and he will also be able to do so as soon as he himself loves the truth.... He will immediately recognize every error as error. But now he must also stand up for what he himself recognizes as truth, only then will he serve God, Whose will it is that humanity should be well instructed in the truth and thus walk in truth. God can never allow error to co-exist with truth, for error is not His work but that of the adversary. Consequently, everything that is untrue must be fought against, and this task is given to the human being who, by receiving the divine gift, has the clearest realization that he himself stands in the truth. Pure truth is such a precious commodity to him that he will never again be satisfied with teachings that do not correspond to the pure truth. Consequently, he will also not want to fob off his fellow human being with teachings which he cannot substantiate because he lives in love and recognizes the pure truth as such. He will always endeavour to have an enlightening effect and this endeavour will always result in God's blessing. For He wants the truth to be spread on earth, because only through pure truth can the human being ascend. But the human being's endeavour will also be supported by God. He will guide man as it is right. For if he wants to serve Him, he will place himself completely under His protection.... He consciously places his earthly life at the service of his fellow human beings. And where love for one's neighbour is active it must inevitably be possible to achieve success, the human being must become knowledgeable himself and he will also constantly work with this knowledge by training himself as a teacher and trying to enlighten his fellow human beings with merciful love in order to help their souls to ascend....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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