2438 Divine wisdom.... world knowledge....

August 6, 1942: Book 33

Man pays no attention to divine wisdom when it is offered to him, but he accepts the knowledge of the world unquestioningly and thereby reveals that he is more attached to the world than to God. For a person who truly loves God, who strives for the eternal deity with all his senses, is not satisfied with the knowledge that the world offers him. It leaves unsolved the great questions which fulfil him and which can only be answered by the one to Whom nothing is alien.... about the relationship of man to God, about the purpose and meaning of creation, about the beginning and goal of all creatures.... These questions can also be answered by people, by worldly wise men, but they will never be able to substantiate their views, they will only speculate and draw conclusions, which, however, always spring from purely worldly thinking and deviate greatly from the pure truth. And neither the questioner nor the answerer will be convinced that they are standing in complete truth.... But if a person is far from God, he will be satisfied with the answer of a worldly wise man, for this is more acceptable to him than divine wisdom. And so only those people will profess the latter who are in close union with God, to whom the eternal deity has already come closer through loving activity and who therefore also recognize what is of divine or human origin. These people are knowledgeable because they are fully convinced that they know the truth and their knowledge is not piecemeal but completely coherent and complementary. Worldly knowledge, however, will assert itself because it is considered authoritative by the majority, whereas spiritual knowledge finds little favour and the unbelieving person, who is distant from God, lacks the gift of judgement, consequently he cannot affirm anything he does not understand. The knowledgeable person, however, should take this incapable state into account, he should patiently try to pass on the pure truth, he should defend it and not allow himself to be put off if success is not immediately noticeable. For God's love gives the human being many opportunities to come to realization, and suddenly this realization can come to him that he then very well perceives the truth as such and is no longer reluctant to accept it.... For whatever the wise men of the world offer him will always only be inadequate piecemeal work and will not be able to satisfy a serious thinker permanently. For only the pure truth makes a person pause in his search, and once he has found it, he perseveres with it because he now knows that he stands in the truth....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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