2243 Last judgement.... end of an epoch of redemption....

February 24, 1942: Book 31

All mankind will be judged on the last day, and everyone, whether good or bad, will receive his reward. And so there will be a separation of the good from the bad, the righteous from the unrighteous, the believer from the unbeliever, and God Himself will sit in judgement and reward or punish everyone according to merit. This judgement is inevitable and concludes a significant period of time, a time of grace, which was granted to the unredeemed on earth through God's immense love. This time was a time of incessant struggle between the spiritual substance full of light and the darkness, it was a time of battle between all beings striving to ascend, and during this time the spiritual substance had the opportunity to develop into a being of light if only it wanted to.... Yet God also set a limit for the beings by predetermining the period of time since eternity which was available to the beings for their redemption.... And this time was truly measured such that it was completely sufficient for complete redemption, yet it was not utilized to the extent that it could be utilized and countless opportunities remained unnoticed because the spiritual substance did not use its free will or misused it and chained itself anew to the power from which it was supposed to liberate itself. The being now has to answer for this free will and its use on the day of judgement, and depending on its will it will turn to heaven or to hell.... to light or to darkness.... its fate will be nothing other than what it has created for itself through its will.... It will be spirit in all freedom, if it has striven for this on earth, or be banished again in solid matter, which it has desired on earth with all its senses. The former is a state of bliss, the latter a state of torment and unimaginable suffering.... renewed captivity through endless times in agonizing remorse and helplessness.... Yet God is just.... for in His love He endeavoured throughout eternity to lead this being to freedom. All means of help were at his disposal, He acquired the graces of the act of salvation for the beings through His incarnation and His death on the cross, He was infinitely long-suffering and patient, yet He had to leave them one thing.... free will.... And according to this He must now also judge people when the day has come that ends this time of grace. For this free will has degenerated, it is only used to work for God's adversary and thus it has to be bound again for endless times. The last judgement is the beginning and the end.... a new era begins and the old one has ended, earthly life has come to an end for all beings that were embodied on earth, partly in the works of creation, partly in the flesh. But a new creation comes into being, which again harbours the spiritual in itself, which has not yet finished its earthly path but was close to the last embodiments. For this spiritual had not yet regained its free will and therefore cannot be called to account on the day of judgement. But the whole of humanity will have to answer to God on the last day and its sinfulness will be revealed, and only a small number of righteous people will be able to stand before the eyes of God and enter the kingdom of peace....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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