2502 The task of the one through whom the spirit of God obviously works....
October 10, 1942: Book 33
Divine spirit floods everything visible and invisible because everything has emerged from God. However, the divine spirit only becomes manifest in the human stage, because before that the beings lack the understanding and realization of God and His work. Only the human being has the gift of recognizing God, and consequently the working of the divine spirit can only be revealed in the human being. The spirit of God is in everything that is visible to man, and it also makes itself known to those who have already progressed so far in the knowledge of God that they can also understand the divine working of the spirit. The spirit of God obviously descends upon them, i.e. they accomplish things through the spirit of God which are otherwise not possible for a human being, thus the spirit of God works through these people. But the heart of the person through whom the spirit of God works has to be without slags, the person's whole nature has to have changed to love, he has to submit himself to God, i.e., only strive to fulfil His will and consciously want to serve Him. And the spirit of God descends upon them, it increases their knowledge by informing them through the soul of God's reign and activity, of the primordial beginning and ultimate goal of all beings, of the meaning and purpose of creation and the human being's earthly life. Once man has been introduced to the truth by the spirit of God, once divine wisdom has been imparted to him, he is now able to fulfil a task in the service of humanity.... The task is to convey God's will to people as a mediator.... God wants to speak to people through the mouth of man. The recipient is to express to people what he has heard through the voice of his heart. God needs man for this task and therefore fills him with His spirit. Only a knowing person can be active as a teacher, and thus he is trained by God to become a knowing person so that he can then pass on his knowledge. The spiritual spark in man is in constant contact with the spirit from God, which is the emanation of God and which floods everything that seeks to mould itself into perfection.... The divine spiritual spark in man is therefore increased by the influx.... its power increases; but power and light are one, and light is knowledge.... And therefore man must become knowledgeable as soon as he is flooded by the spirit of God.... But man should utilize his knowledge, he should pass it on to his fellow human beings, for he is destined to do so as soon as the spirit of God works through him. For people urgently need the spiritual influx, which is now channelled to them through a mediator, because they do not shape themselves in such a way as to be able to receive it directly. The will to fulfil this task is to a certain extent also the prerequisite that spiritual gift is offered to a person, although the person himself also has to be diligently active in shaping his soul and only the will to do so enables him to take on the office of mediator. For the spirit of God can only work where all requirements are met, because the gifts which the spirit from God offers to people are extremely precious and therefore cannot be given indiscriminately to every person who is not worthy of them....
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