2434 Wisdom.... connecting the spirit with the beings of light....
August 3, 1942: Book 33
Every human being can gain insight into the divine depth of wisdom if his spirit unites with the spiritual from the regions of light. Receiving wisdom from God is not withheld from any human being, since it corresponds to divine will that people should become knowledgeable. Humanity's spiritual hardship is the result of its ignorance, for the soul's state is lightless and darkness means torment for the spiritual. The human being does not feel this in earthly life because he pays more attention to his body and endeavours to give it everything he desires. The soul, however, is unhappy as long as it is not in the light, i.e. is knowledgeable. And man can remedy this lightless state if he seeks to attain knowledge. However, world knowledge is by no means a substitute for spiritual knowledge.... Worldly knowledge again only benefits the body, it brings him earthly fulfilment, for it increases earthly goods, reputation and fame and brings earthly success.... spiritual knowledge, however, is the wealth of the soul.... spiritual knowledge comes from God and leads to God.... spiritual knowledge is part of eternity and is imperishable. God's will is the leading back to Himself of all spiritual things that have fallen away from Him. Consequently, He also wants the spiritual to be led to the light, to be redeemed from its lightless, ignorant state and guided into the deepest knowledge. But wisdom is only with God, and thus the human being must receive it from God, he must be willing to penetrate the deepest depths of divine wisdom and he must also make himself worthy to receive the wisdom from God, he must strive towards.... the height, towards the light. In the kingdom of light every desire for truth is perceptible and the beings of light are immediately ready to hand it out because this task is set for them in the beyond and they fulfil it with joy and devotion. The human being sends his spirit upwards, the beings of light instruct him according to his desire, and the spirit in the human being returns to earth again with the richest gift, and he is now also prepared to impart this gift to the soul, that is, he must now try to impart the received knowledge to the soul and motivate it to listen within and to pay attention to the thoughts which now come to it as if from within. And every human being can do this, he need only want to become knowledgeable and desire pure truth, then God's will will be revealed to him, and if he tries to shape himself in accordance with this divine will his thinking will also correspond to the truth, for God sees the human being's will and, depending on this will, He deems him worthy of being guided into wisdom. And people's spiritual state could be more enlightened if they had the desire for truth within themselves.... But they are far more comfortable with ignorance, the darkness of the spirit. And only a few desire to stand in the light and in the truth. Knowledge is light, but the light only shines where it is kindled in free will, for even the beings of light are subject to divine will and they only share the truth where God's will is respected.... And therefore the truth can only be there....
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