2799 State and activity in the hereafter mystery....
July 5, 1943: Book 37
It is a mystery to you in what form life awaits you in eternity. You cannot imagine anything as long as you are still bound to the earthly form.... And yet you know that this external form becomes obsolete at the moment of death. But your knowledge and your ability to imagine moves in the kingdom of this earth, thus you can only imagine something which has taken on a visible or tangible form, and yet you cannot transfer this form to the kingdom of the beyond as soon as you believe in a spiritual kingdom which is no longer supposed to have earthly creations. And now you are faced by unsolvable problems which will remain unsolvable as long as you are spiritually unawakened and unable to see spiritually. A high degree of maturity is required which earns you spiritual vision, and only a few people will still reach this degree on earth and be able to convey the impressions they have gained through spiritual vision to their fellow human beings. But fellow human beings cannot follow these descriptions as long as they have not attained the same high degree of maturity, and therefore it is impossible that a picture of the spiritual kingdom can be developed for people on earth. It is impossible to give them an explanation which could reveal the secret of the kingdom of the beyond.... The beyond remains an unsolvable problem for people, they will only ever be able to surmise according to their human conceptual capacity but have no certainty that it is as they imagine it to be. In the spiritual kingdom the beings, if they are not completely imperfect, live in complete freedom, i.e., they are neither burdened with any external form nor are they in any way urged to an activity, but everything they do arises from their free will and the urge to love activity. However, their activity is completely independent of earthly matter, of an external form, because no otherworldly being is surrounded by matter. Consequently, the being itself is also free of any cover, but is nevertheless an individual being that can freely will and determine as soon as it has attained spiritual maturity. It is the self, the actual beingness, which needs no external form and yet cannot be denied. And this self perceives the absence of a shell as a blessing that it no longer wants to do without. The self is not lost with the death of the body, it survives every spatial and temporal change, it always and forever remains the same self, also recognizable to the other souls, even though it no longer possesses its outer form. For every perfect spiritual being also beholds the spiritual world and is therefore able to see more than it was able to see in its earthly cover; it can also be active without limitation because neither time nor space impose limits on it. It needs no external form for this and is free and unhindered in every way. But it is not possible to give man a sufficient explanation about the kind of activity in the beyond and about the being in the beyond itself because he lacks all concepts, because nothing on earth can be compared with it, since all earthly laws are invalid in the beyond. But the human being tries to explain everything with earthly laws, and if he eliminates these he would lack all standards, thus his imagination would be inadequate. And so it would remain a mystery to him unless his spiritual state was so bright that he would be able to see spiritually and God would then solve these questions for him.
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