2205 Questions answered by otherworldly knowing beings....
January 7, 1942: Book 31
Every spiritual thought establishes the connection with the world beyond, every spiritual thought is an expression of strength by spiritual friends whose activity consists of imparting strength to beings which are without strength. For knowledge is strength, and the beings in the beyond, who are in knowledge, also want to transfer the knowledge to people in the form of thoughts, thus they want to give them answers to questions which they mentally address to knowing forces, even if they do not consciously request the answer. People ask questions unconsciously as soon as they think about something that is beyond their knowledge. If he then lingers on a question for a longer period of time, the knowing forces come into action.... They whisper the answer to the person mentally, i.e. thoughts jump to the person, and since he is not yet informed about the nature of the thought, he sees himself as the originator of this thought and the result as his own intellectual product. Nevertheless, he builds on this thought again.... so he remains in contact with the giving beings beyond.... he is instructed by them, while he believes that he has intellectually solved the problem that prompted him to ask the question. What the thought really is cannot be explained to people so comprehensibly, and that is why precisely these proclamations often meet with resistance. Their own thinking is placed under the origin of the work, and therefore the credibility of that which is beyond doubt is also doubted. And only when man realizes the essence of the thought does he attach deeper value to these mediations. And yet, the human being will be able to feel the imparting of strength himself, for when he receives thoughts which correspond to the truth his soul feels this beneficially and it impels his will to impart the result of his thinking to his fellow human beings, and thus the human being now also acts as a giver of strength by passing on the knowledge which, in essence, is strength from God. power stimulates activity, consequently no-one who receives power can be inactive.... Every thought imparted to a person from the spiritual kingdom will cause him to speak about it, and thus the human being unconsciously places himself at the service of the mature spiritual by contributing to the spreading of what knowledgeable forces have imparted to him. Consequently, the earthly world is constantly in contact with the spiritual world, for the latter seizes every thought and tries to answer it as soon as the questioner dwells on his question for a longer period of time....
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