2733 Lawfulness.... God-ordained order.... perfection....
May 11, 1943: Book 34/35/36
What is visible to man bears witness to a certain regularity, which he takes for granted because he knows no other way. The coming into being and passing away of all things can therefore already be fathomed in its various phases, i.e., the human being knows about every process, about the development and evolution of all things that are visible to him as soon as he pays attention to them. This regularity therefore makes research easier for people, because they can draw conclusions from it and build their knowledge on these again. But men only penetrate into the laws of nature, they only investigate that it is so, but not why it is so. Although they regard the natural consequence as the purpose or goal of the cause, they do not realize that both the cause and the purpose of every lawfulness can only be sought and found spiritually, that spiritual development determines the lawfulness of everything natural. And spiritual life also unfolds in a certain regularity, i.e., there is only one will in the spiritual kingdom, and according to this will the spiritual work takes place in the whole universe, in the earthly and in the spiritual kingdom. And since this will is paired with unsurpassable wisdom, it must also be constant, i.e. it cannot constantly change because that would not be in harmony with God's unsurpassable wisdom. And that is why also in the spiritual kingdom the constant higher development is subject to a certain regularity, and that this is to be understood purely spiritually, that everything takes place in a God-willed order and the spiritual kingdom is therefore the epitome of perfection, as soon as the spiritual subordinates itself to this order, thus has made the will of God its own. Earthly creation is an idea of God that has become a form, which is to introduce the imperfect spiritual into the divine order; it has to go the course through all works of creation, therefore has to fit into the divine order, because it cannot overturn the lawfulness of nature, just as man as such cannot achieve this, even if he accomplishes works of destruction, which are an offence against the divine order, against the will of God. But he is not able to overturn or abolish the laws of nature. In the spiritual kingdom the spiritual can likewise exclude itself from the divine order through its rebelliousness, thus it can also remain apart from God in its own will. But then it will never be perfect, therefore never be able to belong to the spiritual kingdom, which means bliss and fullest harmony, because divine will and divine order govern this spiritual kingdom, but it will separate itself and yet again be forced by divine will to cover a further path of development in a certain regularity until it finally still voluntarily joins the divine order. The creations of nature on earth provide the best proof that everything that rebels against the divine law of nature must perish. The laws of nature are inexorable, and where they are not observed, death and dissolution are usually the result.... And this is because the human being also realizes that nothing is arbitrary but that there is a will above everything which expresses itself in every work of creation, i.e. in its lawfulness, and which must be respected.... And that this lawfulness is founded in the deepest wisdom and love of God, because it is, so to speak, the precondition for perfection....
(Book 33 ends with proclamation 2576,
Book 34 comprises the proclamations 2733 - 2746,
Book 35/36 comprises the proclamations 2747 - 2776,
Book 37 begins with proclamation 2777.
The proclamations not listed are also missing in Bertha Dudde's manuscripts).
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