2127 Earth task conscious striving.... unused time....

October 25, 1941: Book 30

The soul needs to stay on earth in order to reduce its distance from God. This is the purpose of life on earth. It is at the furthest distance from God at the beginning of the embodiment and can be very close to Him at the end.... but it can also be at the same distance from God when it dies, and then life on earth was pointless. The walk on earth should be a service in love, then the distance from God must also inevitably be reduced, for a loving being shapes itself such as is a prerequisite in order to come close to God. If the soul now shapes itself according to divine will then it is no longer something distant from God, it has become a being which has returned to its original state.... it is only love and therefore a divine part, and then it no longer needs to stay on earth but separates itself from earth and enters the spiritual kingdom. This state is the goal of every soul and can only be reached through conscious endeavour. In other words, the human being must be aware of his deficient state, want to rectify it and do what God requires.... He must be active in love and therefore work on himself. There is no other way to reduce the distance to God than to mould himself into love. And the more seriously a person takes his task, the less time he will need for it, and he should bear this in mind if he threatens to become lukewarm and careless, for all time on earth is lost for eternity, which he uses for other than soul work. He should only think of life after death, then he will utilize earthly time in the right way, yet if he only cares for earthly life he will remain at the same stage of development and precious time will be lost to him....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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