2538 God's goodness.... God's power of love....

November 5, 1942: Book 33

God's love for humanity will not diminish as long as the earth exists, and time and again humanity will be offered the opportunity to redeem itself on this earth. The length of time this redemption requires is entirely up to the human will, how it attunes itself to God's love. If he recognizes it, he will also strive to attain it and thus do everything that God tells people to do. And by fulfilling the divine will, souls mature and reduce the great distance between themselves and God. God loves His living creations, the human beings, and wants Him to be recognized as a loving being Who does not abandon anything that originates in Him. As soon as a person realizes this, he lives his life consciously and also tries to push his fellow human beings into the circuit of divine love, and he himself tries to live a life of love because he knows that only through love is it possible to conform to God and that this conformity is absolutely necessary in order to acquire God's love. To live in the love of God means an increased reception of strength and an unceasing ascent upwards, for the love of God draws to itself everything that does not defend itself, i.e. resists. God's love for humanity is so great that truly everything would be seized by it if it did not offer this resistance. Yet God's love is only effective if it is not resisted. It is therefore God's endeavour to weaken all resistance in order to then completely remove it. But the human being offers resistance as long as he still has a desire for the world, i.e. as long as he does not give himself undividedly to his spiritual task. For so long he can only receive the life force that flows to every being as long as it remains on earth. But the power of love can never be imparted to him, because it would not be utilized properly, therefore misused, as long as the striving of man is not directed towards God alone. Every turning towards the world means resistance against the eternal divinity, i.e. exposing this power of love at his disposal. God's love is therefore the only thing worth striving for in earthly life, for with the reception of God's strength of love his strength increases immeasurably and the human being will be able to accomplish everything because God Himself can work as soon as the human being unconditionally hands himself over to Him, thus he himself offers his love to God and is then seized by God's love, which will never let him fall. Time and again God approaches people, offering them His love, and time and again He tries to awaken in them the awareness of being inseparably united with this love. Once this awareness has awakened in man, he himself does everything to show himself worthy of this eternal bond. He desires God's flow of love and pushes towards it; and God increases everything longing for Him through Himself, He gives strength where strength is required, and thus His love always expresses itself as strength which masters everything.... which breaks the soul's resistance if the human being's will is turned towards God, but which also signifies an overcoming of earthly hardship for the human being. For where God's love has taken hold of a human child, it walks the path of earthly life with His support. It overcomes matter, it despises the world and only strives for complete union with God.... with the eternal love that was its origin....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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