2227 Desire for God - Union - Grace - Knowledge....

February 2, 1942: Book 31

The conscious endeavour to unite with God inevitably results in the soul's higher development, for striving towards God, the desire for Him, already signifies the bestowal of grace, and grace also results in progress, i.e. a higher degree of maturity of the soul. Anyone who receives grace will never remain at the same stage of development, for grace is synonymous with the supply of strength, and divine strength draws the human being towards God. The influx of divine strength can only take place when a connection with God has been established, thus the will for union is already fulfilment, for God will not deny Himself to His earthly child if it desires Him.... He gives him everything when he surrenders his will to Him. The will turned towards God results in union with God and consequently also in a constantly increasing degree of maturity of the soul, which now recognizes light and clarity, i.e. becomes knowledgeable and active in love and thus can be called light-receiving and light-emitting. It receives light and strength from God, which it receives in the form of knowledge, and it passes it on to its fellow human beings by passing on the knowledge. And so she now works with God and for God.... Whoever has a desire for God will, as it were, join the army of His servants and fighters, for he will now willingly submit to every task God sets him. Whoever longs for God himself will also show others the way to Him if he knows the way himself. And therefore love for God must have an effect in love for fellow human beings, for as soon as the human being is capable of love, i.e. the spark of love in him flares up into a flame, this flame always seeks new nourishment.... it must seize something and, as it were, consume it.... Love for God will always express itself in love for one's neighbour; this is simply not possible otherwise, because the loving person has ignited the divine spark within himself and this fire can never be extinguished, and every work of love is the union with God, which is again recognizable in the work of love. Consequently, the soul's degree of maturity must also constantly increase and a relapse can never take place. God does not allow this to happen because the human being desired Him of his own free will, because he himself surrendered his will and thus the union with God could take place, which brings him grace upon grace and thus the influx of light and strength from God....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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