2808 Leading father's hand....

July 11, 1943: Book 37

You truly need My guiding father's hand, for you cannot find the right path that leads to Me on your own. You do not value your earthly life because the world holds you captive with its pleasures; and you are in constant danger of forgetting Me above the world. Time and again I therefore have to let you be nudged, I have to put obstacles in your way which hinder you in your worldly frenzy, which hold you back from worldly goings-on for a short time, I have to take you firmly by the hand and direct your worldly senses towards the goal of your earthly life, I often have to intervene with all severity if you do not follow My gentle guidance, and then bitter suffering and great tribulation will be your fate, otherwise I will have to give you up for eternal times. My love for you will not abandon you as long as you walk on earth.... You are all My children, even if you turn away from Me, and I will not leave you.... However, if you want to take up your father's inheritance then, like children, you must completely submit to My will and you must not resist Me. But as long as you still walk on earth you still resist Me, you want to decide for yourselves, you want to oppose My will with your will, you rebel against Me as soon as you do not live in accordance with My will on earth.... And My will is that you live in love (on earth) and thereby try to unite yourselves with Me.... But your goal is the world; everything the world offers you you seek to gain from it, and the world is not My share but My adversary's, thus you do not seek Me but the one who has opposed Me since eternity. You do not want to recognize Me as your father, otherwise you would love Me and be obedient to Me.... And yet I will not let you.... But I have to resort to painful means, I have to forcibly separate you from the world, I have to take away what your heart is attached to in order to show you that it is not permanent, that it is only illusory possessions which are intended to blind you.... I must show you that for their sake you are in danger of losing Me completely and thus also of giving up your filial rights. You do not know what this means.... you do not know which trivialities you prefer to this right.... And therefore you feel My guidance to be harsh and cruel, which is only due to My love for you. Recognize Me and My love and try to imagine them as the cause of all your suffering and hardship, then you will also derive benefit from them, you will recognize the futility of worldly possessions and now strive for spiritual possessions. Let yourselves be guided by My fatherly hand, which will truly lead you correctly even over cliffs and rocks, over thistles and thorns.... The path is short and arduous, but it leads to the goal.... while the wide path that entices you is certainly strewn with roses but will surely lead to ruin.... for you can only reach your goal by overcoming.... But the adversary entices you with the pleasures of the world and drags you into the abyss....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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