2356 Spiritual downfall.... help from fellow human beings....
June 2, 1942: Book 32
The whole of humanity is facing its spiritual downfall, for the same state, the state of heartlessness, exists everywhere and the desire for earthly possessions is predominant everywhere, and this characterizes the human soul's spiritual immaturity. Spiritual striving, on the other hand, is usually eliminated and therefore the deficiency is only very rarely compensated for, which is certainly possible if knowledge is made accessible to the human being and he now consciously strives to perfect himself. This conscious endeavour can bring a person great spiritual success. However, all knowledge is prevented.... he is offered something as a divine mission which, however, testifies to very inadequate knowledge, and therefore this teaching will not stimulate people to consciously work on themselves either, and it is precisely the conscious work on themselves which earns the soul its degree of maturity. If this is now prevented then there is also the danger of a complete flattening, for people lose all knowledge because they only pay attention to world events, and therefore it is of incalculable blessing if spiritual knowledge is cultivated outside the existing organizations, where people educate each other to love, to mercy, to gentleness and patience. When the divine word spreads from mouth to mouth, every organization is superfluous, because then man has everything he needs.... He only needs to follow it, then the knowledge opens up to him, and the knowledgeable person also begins the work of transformation in himself, i.e. he seeks to adapt to what is required, and as a knowledgeable person he can therefore also guide his fellow human beings correctly and likewise spur them on to participate in the work of transformation. Very few people go to God with all their worries, precisely because they do not want to and cannot recognize an eternal deity. And thus it has to be explained to them through fellow human beings that they only have duties towards the body insofar as their earthly life depends on it.... It has to be explained to them that they have to put the work on the soul before everything else, so that they no longer consider the body as before.... Only then do they begin to become knowledgeable.... And they can now pass on this knowledge, first in the closest circles and then also in public, even if this is prevented by earthly power. Yet it is necessary to come to humanity's aid because it is in incomprehensible distress and can only be helped by way of complete freedom of will.... through instructions which they can now accept and reject and thereby escape or succumb to spiritual downfall....
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