2788 Decision between two worlds.... spiritual seeing and hearing....
June 26, 1943: Book 37
Every worldly thought weakens a person's ability to see with the spiritual eye or hear with the spiritual ear. And that is why he must always endeavour to detach himself from the world. He must learn to despise everything earthly in order to be able to strive undividedly for his spiritual perfection. For as soon as he is able to see spiritually, as soon as his ear is able to hear the voice of the heart, the messages from the spiritual kingdom, he will also mature spiritually, whereas the world cannot offer him any spiritual goods, but rather robs him of them because it deprives him of the ability to do so. There are two worlds which want to bring themselves closer to the human being and the representatives of each world endeavour to assert themselves. Man's will must decide for itself in which world he wants to dwell. He sees these earthly joys and attractions of the world with bodily eyes and feels them with the bodily senses; the treasures of the spiritual world, on the other hand, are not obviously revealed to him. If he wants to see these, he must first develop the ability within himself, which has the will of man as its first prerequisite. He must withdraw into his inner life regardless of the earthly world, he must open his senses to the spiritual influx, he must listen and observe what is conveyed to him from the spiritual realm, and it will be all the more understandable and clearer to him the more he separates himself from the world and suppresses his desire for it. For only one thing can be offered to him.... one world must be sacrificed in order to enter the other world. As long as the human being still dwells on earth, it is a struggle for him, for the earthly world pushes itself forward again and again. However, the will to gain insight into the spiritual kingdom gives the human being constant strength to overcome the earthly world, and the ability to see and hear spiritually grows from hour to hour if the human being is seriously willing to exchange this spiritual kingdom for the earthly world.... He is then able to separate himself from it with ease, he hears the voice of the beings of light speaking within him, which are only the organs of the divine voice, he sees what his physical eye is unable to see and his knowledge is enriched more and more. Yet it is always knowledge which is meaningless to the world but which should and can inspire people to likewise strive for the state which will bring them the goods of the spiritual kingdom. He must seek everything spiritual within himself, whereas everything worldly seeks to find access to him from outside. And again the spiritual can only then be imparted to the fellow human being when he likewise goes inwards, for only then is he receptive to what is offered to him, whereas before he only receives it with his physical ear but it remains dead to him as long as he does not let it speak to his heart. That which is to retain value for eternity must come to the human being from the heart, for these are the currents from the spiritual kingdom which emerge in the heart as thoughts and must be consciously grasped by the human being in order to become effective in him....
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