2531 Spiritual question.... answer.... souls in the afterlife....
October 31, 1942: Book 33
Every spiritual question is answered by the knowing powers, for this answer contributes towards the increase of knowledge. And that is why man is to entrust everything that is unclear to him to the knowing powers so that they can now mentally enlighten him. Both the question and the answer are heard in the beyond, and the souls in the beyond are likewise eager and await the answer in order to enrich their knowledge. The form in which the answer is received by the questioner depends on the ability to hear spiritual messages. Everyone could probably hear the answer through the inner voice, but this voice is rarely heeded. But where the question is asked consciously and the answer is received just as consciously, there knowledge can be increased indefinitely, and the souls in the beyond also make use of such an opportunity by asking questions themselves, the answer to which the knowing beings in the beyond convey to a person who is receptive, who writes it down so that such an answer can also be conveyed to fellow human beings. The more inquisitive a person is, the more richly he will be considered, and he alone will never be given information, but countless souls will draw from the fountain of knowledge with the person, as it were. The more consciously a person asks questions or abandons himself to questioning thoughts, the clearer the answer will come to him, for through this questioning he proves his desire for truthful knowledge and this desire will always be satisfied. The questioning person will always be considered, for God wants to hand out the truth, He wants people to become knowledgeable and He will consider everyone who is hungry for knowledge according to his desire. The souls in the beyond likewise eagerly accept knowledge and this signifies spiritual progress for them, which is why they participate in every question and listen to every instruction or answer with keen eagerness and utilize it according to their state of maturity. For they perceive the increased knowledge as a state of happiness and as a constant motivation for their activities in the beyond....
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