2568 Divine intervention....
December 1, 1942: Book 33
When the day has come the lord Himself will intervene in the chaos of devastation, which will take on ever worse proportions due to human will. And this intervention will bring about that a wrestling of nations will come to an end, indeed against the will of men to whom this end seems to be little successful. The world is caught up in error, it believes that it can determine the earthly development itself and does not consider the will of the power Which rules everything in heaven and on earth. It does not consider that It will express Itself in due course, i.e. that It will oppose people's will if the latter completely acts against divine will. As soon as the most powerful will is no longer recognized and heeded, He expresses Himself, and this in a way which has a sensitive effect on people, i.e. which directs their earthly life into other directions and destroys all earthly plans and hopes. Humanity must be reminded again that it is powerless in the face of the creator of heaven and earth, that His will alone governs and that humanity's unloving behaviour will result in just punishment. People stop at nothing and seek to destroy each other. This completely contradicts man's destiny to lead a life of love on earth.... Divine justice now intervenes in human will by striking humanity with the same thing that its will has turned into action.... by giving free rein to the elements of nature and allowing them to accomplish a work of destruction of far greater magnitude in order to show people a higher will.
Because people have lost all faith in a higher power. And because they fear no power over them, they unscrupulously resort to the most unloving means in order to create their supposed right. They misuse their free will, which was given to them for labour of love, for redemption from the bonds of the one who is devoid of all love. But they serve him, they carry out his will, in a manner of speaking they give themselves to him as representatives on earth, they are in bondage to him and he controls them completely, and thus he uses them to destroy that which God allowed to come into being.... to destroy creations of all kinds. God gave every thing its destiny, but God's adversary drives the people who are in bondage to him to destroy these creations prematurely so that they cannot fulfil their destiny. And people willingly carry it out, they outdo each other in unkindness and fear no power which could call them to account. Mankind is disillusioned, it is so far away from God that only a violent intervention can guide its thinking differently, and so it calls upon this divine intervention itself. God, in His goodness and gentleness, does not yet allow it to be a judgement, for He has mercy on humanity, which is deeply shackled.... He does not want to destroy, but to bring help, and His wisdom chooses the only means that may be very painful, but can still bring success. He shows Himself in His might and strength, He speaks with an iron voice, He expresses Himself so powerfully that the human being is forced to reflect, yet God does not force the human being's will and therefore only a small part will recognize Him in this natural event because it wants to recognize Him.... But God's adversary takes possession of the others, they serve him and are lost for eternity....
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