2559 Spiritual food.... God's word....
November 24, 1942: Book 33
Mankind does not crave spiritual nourishment and this is a sign of self-conceit, for they feel so strong and secure that they do not believe they need any kind of energy supply. They are not hungry for spiritual food because they are not deprived of anything.... and they lack nothing because they are content with what they possess and because they are also unaware of the benefit of what they are entitled to but cannot be given without being asked.... because they do not value God's grace for what it is. For it is a grace when they are offered something that means strength and vigour for anyone who feels weak and small. Humanity, however, only feels its physical weaknesses, needs and worries, and it does not believe that it can remedy these with spiritual food, with the word of God, because it lacks faith in its strength. It lacks faith in the effect of the divine word and therefore also in the strength that a person can draw for his soul from divine food. And therefore it does not respect this food, which is offered to it in the form of the divine word.... it disregards the divine word and the soul must hunger and starve, even though earthly wealth surrounds the human being. What the soul needs is completely independent of earthly fulfilment, it can starve in the midst of wealth and possessions, yet it can be abundantly provided for in utmost earthly poverty if it accepts spiritual nourishment, the gift of God, which promotes its spiritual development. And this is why earthly possessions should not be valued too highly, for they can also hinder a person's higher development if they are not properly utilized, if they make a person forget his spiritual hunger and the soul is disadvantaged as a result. Spiritual food, i.e. the word of God imparted to people out of immense love, is only desired by those for whom earthly goods seem worthless and who therefore strive for something that is imperishable, i.e. of eternal value. These hunger for the bread of life, they starve without it, and their desire is deep and inward; and God satisfies such hunger through His word.... He gives them food for their souls, He feeds them with spiritual food and quenches their thirst with the living water that flows from the loins of those who are deep in faith and love. And this spiritual food will also be imparted to people when earthly food is withdrawn from them, when demonic influence determines people to deprive each other of the earthly food necessary for life.... when people's lack of love has reached the highest degree that they fight each other like bitter enemies. He will live who calls a deep faith his own, for he will receive the spiritual food.... the word of God, which He has blessed with His power....
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