2305 Words or lifestyle.... judgement....
April 17, 1942: Book 32
The inner value of every human being emerges from his way of life and not from his words. It is often difficult to decide whether a person has established contact with God or is still completely distant from God, for his words do not always correspond to his innermost feelings; however, the person's attitude towards his fellow human beings is decisive and his development progresses accordingly. There are often expressions which reveal a will turned towards God and yet do not provide information about the relationship with God, and yet these expressions can lack the right depth of heart. Conversely, however, a person can glow with the deepest love for God without ever saying a word about it or allowing his fellow human beings an insight into the feelings of his heart. And that is why a person should be careful not to pass judgement, because it can very often be a wrong judgement. But God looks into the heart, He knows its degree of love, He knows its desires.... But He also knows when the words do not correspond to the feelings and what value should therefore be attached to such words. And it is a certain spiritual inferiority when beautiful words are supposed to replace the lack of feeling.... It is understandable that people with hardened hearts also try to cover up their shortcomings and want to feign love where it does not exist. But at the same time these people lack the desire for truth, for if they desired to receive truth they would also be strict with themselves, i.e. they would only act and speak in accordance with their innermost feelings. And this lack of desire for truth is also the obstacle to recognizing when a person is offered the truth. However, a person's way of life betrays his innermost feelings and thoughts. A life lived in serving love will be recognizable as good and in accordance with God's will even without words, and a person who seriously wants to examine himself will seldom err. For he will see the right relationship with God established and know that the father in heaven is well pleased with the one who is intimately united with Him....
Translated by Doris Boekers