
1033 Spiritual unity of all works of creation.... visible....

August 1, 1939: Book 19

Behold, My child, countless living beings are born every hour and My spirit is embodied in all of them, and this is all the more astonishing as every embodiment, i.e. this shell, is also spiritual substance from Me.... Consequently, everything that surrounds you, everything that is around you, in you and above you, points towards Me as the creator of all things and yet can only be grasped spiritually. Even if you have knowledge, this knowledge is of little use as long as the spirit in you is not awakened, for only an awakened spirit is able to explain to you comprehensibly the relationship between you and everything around you. But unawakened spirit you brood, and such brooding can lead to disorganized thinking rather than to full understanding. Once the spirit in you has come alive then you will understand everything, and you will always and constantly regocnize Me everywhere in nature, because everything spiritual in creation will then find access to the divine spirit in you, and you will experience something so powerful and wondrous in yourselves that you will only regard nature as an emanation of My spirit of love. Undoubted faith and unselfish love awaken the spirit from Me in you, and thus this will first be necessary in order to comprehend everything that presents itself to your eyes, and suddenly you will no longer be an individual being standing in creation but you will feel your belonging together with all creation, for you no longer see yourselves as the form created by Me but, whatever you are, as the emanation of a great spirit, as a spiritual substance which certainly emanates from the original spirit but is inseparable, which is always and eternally divine in itself, only temporarily not recognizing itself as such. Whoever has become aware of the spiritual unity of all works of creation in union with nature now consciously regocnizes what he is and never ever loses this awareness. And he now looks at the most diverse creations in the light of this truth and now also has the highest spiritual successes to record, because the spiritual around him shares itself with him as it were visibly and helps to increase his knowledge by granting him insight into the spiritual work of all creation. The same strength which manifests itself to you humans through revelations from above is also constantly at work in order to express itself visibly, and it only requires your will, profound faith and lively activity of love in order to introduce you to further knowledge of My omnipotence, love and wisdom....


Translated by Doris Boekers