1100 Primal relationship.... state of happiness in the hereafter....

September 20, 1939: Book 20

Anyone who unites with the eternal deity also harbours the deep desire to be one with It, and thus the separation between the earthly child and the father in heaven is overcome, the gulf which separated the two becomes smaller in order to finally give way to the secure feeling of unity and thus the original relationship is restored, and an indescribably beautiful state is now the spiritual being's lot.... an infinitely blissful harmony that is limited neither in time nor space, i.e. a permanent state that encompasses everything in infinity. This may take an infinitely long time, but once this state has been reached, everything that has passed is only a fleeting moment in eternity, and the delights of eternity outweigh all suffering in an unredeemed state a thousandfold. The less anxious a person is to create an opulent earthly life that satisfies him in every respect, the easier the pilgrimage through the earthly valley will seem to him, and so when he leaves earthly life.... if he has travelled it with love.... nothing will remind him of the time on earth, and he will only look with compassion at the many erring souls who completely lack the concept of time and who can therefore languish for endless times in the beyond before the moment of redemption has come for them. Time can pass in the most agonizing self-reproach in the beyond, but it can also appear to the being as a single moment, and it is always divine providence if the being is allowed to pass from the unconscious state into a better, clear spiritual state which regocnizes itself and its environment.... Yet the being itself has to be active so that the hour of redemption will give it the right freedom. And thus the father in heaven considers His children in a way that is favourable to them.... The spiritual beings, which are allowed to send information to the world, have to fit into the time span of earthly existence, they have to adjust themselves to earthly laws and therefore also have to take into account the human soul, which in the present spiritual state still has a narrowly limited understanding and therefore first has to be instructed in detail. An unfinished soul in the beyond often does not know how to distinguish between past, present and future, but the privilege of the perfected is that there is no longer any concept of time for them.... (interruption)

Translated by: Doris Boekers

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