
1069 Influx of spiritual power.... maturity....

August 24, 1939: Book 20

Hear the divine voice: Access to everything spiritual opens up for you humans from the hour you cultivate love within yourselves and thus already work spiritually. For love, which is truly unselfish, is spiritual work in itself, and so it also increases in itself through every new act of love, and therefore the man, who is active in love, will reach spiritual maturity, because all mature spiritual unites itself as it were with a loving earth child and therefore also increases spiritual power. If the influx of spiritual strength expresses itself during the time of earthly existence, then such an earthly existence has truly not been lived in vain, for it has already brought about the union with the spiritual, and thus the state of maturity must be assured where the union with the spiritual constantly takes place. If you humans at all times seek to unite yourselves with what is good, then the human being must naturally also be willing to do what he regocnizes as good.... He cannot strive for something whose possession does not seem valuable to him, and he will therefore only desire what is truly his innermost need.... And if he loves unselfishly, he will inevitably be drawn to God.... He is drawn to all spiritual power, the source of which is the eternal deity.... And he desires everything divine from the bottom of his heart and thus, as it were, demands spiritual power. He wants to increase within himself the desire for God, the love for God and all good strength, because this helps him to approach the eternal deity, and thus his plea and supplication is always turned towards God.... And the earthly child's desire grows the more intimately it devotes itself to God, for it is seized by spiritual strength. It is a perpetual overflow of this into the heart of the earthly child, which is therefore lovingly active, and it can therefore never be abandoned by good spiritual strength, since it continuously connects itself with this through every spiritual thought, through every spiritual conversation and through the very contact with God through heartfelt prayer. Prayer in itself already conveys an influx of spiritual strength to an indescribable degree, for when a person prays, he opens his heart to every gift of grace from above.... he implores God for strength and is therefore also the recipient of this strength, since he is willing to accept help from God. And thus the spirit constantly increases, and this results in spiritual maturity, for the human being, who constantly requests spirit from God, must also mature to the same extent, after all, he avails himself of divine grace which makes his path on earth an easy one....


Translated by Doris Boekers