1115 Love of God.... divine protection.... storms....

September 25, 1939: Book 20

How gently and carefully the father guides His true children through earthly life.... through all dangers and protects them from severe hardship, both physically and spiritually.... For the father in heaven loves these children of His who constantly long for Him and endeavour to the best of their ability to serve Him and obey His will. And therefore, do not fear and despair, even in times of earthly adversity, for the lord will let it pass you by and He will ensure that it will not oppress you and that you will always find help.... And this should be a comfort to you and you should look to the future with a joyful heart, for wherever it may be, the father will always grant you His protection, thus you will never be abandoned, even if it seems as if everything around you is threatening to collapse. Those who commend themselves to the father in heaven and implore His grace are in the safest of guard, for He will not leave a prayer sent up in faith unanswered. Many a storm may still pass over you, but the sun will always shine again afterwards, and again and again gentle calm and cloudless skies will make the memory of the previous storms fade.... And remember that these storms must also be, for the lord, Who commands life and death, also has these storms in His power, and if He allows the elements to rage, He again only intends to purify everything that He has destined for higher work. He first separates everything unfair so that the path to perfection becomes free for the being. And many such storms still have to come over humanity, and that is why you should not become timid and faint-hearted. As long as you prove yourselves worthy of God's love He will also hold His protective hand over you, and thus you have to practice love, for thereby you testify your will to Him and also express your love for Him. And He will protect you from all danger and also give you His love.


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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